Alexey Kharlamov
Alexey Kharlamov was born in 1974 in Moscow. He trained as "carpenter for the production of artistic furniture." He also worked with book illustrations and participated in the design of jewelries and small sculptures.
He has been smoking pipes since 1998. In 2006 he won 1st place in the competition Cigar Clan Magazine to pipe makers of the former territory USSR . He makes pipes in smooth, sand blasting, and rustic design options. Also freehands in its own design, and the cycle pipes "simple things." It could be any object, mounted in a pipe. He calls it ironic hyperrealism.
He has been smoking pipes since 1998. In 2006 he won 1st place in the competition Cigar Clan Magazine to pipe makers of the former territory USSR . He makes pipes in smooth, sand blasting, and rustic design options. Also freehands in its own design, and the cycle pipes "simple things." It could be any object, mounted in a pipe. He calls it ironic hyperrealism.