Poul Ilsted
Poul Ilsted (*1946) started making pipes with Erik Nørding in the late 60s and then he in 1970 founded the Svendborg pipe-factory together with Jens Tao Nielsen. Two years later he decided to leave that factory and find a style of his own.
Poul Ilsted is mainly known for his faceted pipes, which have given him a great international reputation. “The Facet Master”, as he is often referred to, is a true perfectionist when it comes to pipe-making and with a very limited production his pipes are in great demand.
Poul Ilsted is mainly known for his faceted pipes, which have given him a great international reputation. “The Facet Master”, as he is often referred to, is a true perfectionist when it comes to pipe-making and with a very limited production his pipes are in great demand.